We love wood windows

We provided similar advice as the church began remodeling two four-plex apartment buildings on Echo Park Avenue. Not only does the church get to improve and update its property but Echo Park retains its old look and feel.
These photos and comments are designed to showcase good examples of historic preservation and preservation-friendly new construction in Echo Park. We will also note renovations and new development that destroys historic features or is ill suited for our historic neighborhood. Feel free to send us a photo (small jpeg file, please) of a Preservation Win or Preservation Loss in Echo Park to ephs@HistoricEchopark.org.
For all the Echo Park residents who love wood windows, I wanted to let you know about our company, Rembrant Windows. We specialize in the restoration, repair and replacement of historical wood windows. Please see our website at www.rembrantwindows.com.
The correct website address for Rembrandt Windows is www.rembrandtwindows.com
For some reason spell check revised the spelling.
well that is the least that church can do for the area. I think it is disgusting that they have done NOTHING to improve the situation in the Echo Park right in their front yard??? All those homeless, drug addicts, mentally ill people right on their front doorstep and they haven't figured out a way to help? Or do they believe it is not their problem? OR maybe the church doesn't think it is their responsibility? My 90 year old Grandmother remembers that Church and the founder-- and in all this time nothing. Or very little. Bottom line is we are probably talking way less than 100 people that need help and they haven't been part of the solution-- it should have been solved by now. This is not far from them-- but literally right in front of them. Disgusting. And they call themselves a church? What is their purpose anyway if they can't help Echo Park keep the flavor with all the properties they've been buying up over the years. gosh. Someone had to say something.
If anonymous knew anything about what the church actually does, they wouldn't jump to such critical conclusions. The city credits "The Dream Center Los Angeles" - the same church of people that come to services on Sundays and Thursday nights, for helping the city combat such practical issues. They have outreaches such as "Hope for the Homeless", Food Bank Trucks that go around the city to give out groceries on a reg. basis, Adopt-A-Block (clean up the neighborhoods every Sat. morning), and something like over 200 projects that are equally honorable. This is the story of "The Church that Never Sleeps" - read the book written by Matthew Barnett to learn more.
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Hi there! this is such an informative post. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!
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