Bonnie Brae Fixer

Bonnie Brae Fixer
Originally uploaded by Historic Echo Park.
This house under renovation is located on Bonnie Brae Street just south of Sunset Boulevard. It's one of the few bright spots on a block where many of the structures have been either stuccoed over or remodeled beyond recognition. In this case, this lucky house is receiving a rather high-quality renovation. The exterior wood siding (increasingly rare) has been restored and repainted (though we are getting tired of this sage green color) and the columns and doorway frame on the front porch have also been retained, and look as if they are getting nicely renovated. The original wood windows, if you look closely, have been removed and replaced with double-hung (they slide up and down), metal windows. But the use of a dark window sash and the fact that the original wood window frames have been retained make up for the loss of the wood windows. We hope this encourages other thoughtful renovations in the area between Echo Park Lake and Alvarado
I live right next door!
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