Wednesday, August 06, 2008

We love wood windows

We must give credit to Angelus Temple as it renovates several of its properties near Echo Park Lake. This shingled apartment building on Glendale Boulevard near Park Avenue is not only getting a new paint job but new wood windows (at least in front) to duplicate the originals. We do have to take some credit here. Kevin Kuzma and Matt Pope of the EPHS met with the church's contractor to provide him with advice on preservation friendly remodeling as well as sources for materials and services. It also helps that this building is located in the area that is being studied for a potential historic district. As a result, any exterior changes need to receive much greater scrutiny. It helps that these changes keep and improve and building's historic character.

We provided similar advice as the church began remodeling two four-plex apartment buildings on Echo Park Avenue. Not only does the church get to improve and update its property but Echo Park retains its old look and feel.