We Love Wood Windows!

We Love Wood Windows!
Originally uploaded by Historic Echo Park.
So, this renovation at the corner of Laveta Terrace and Scott Avenue is not necessarily a shining example of preservation. The interior of this unit has pretty much gutted without much thought to salvaging and recycling interior details. Some of the exterior details are not necessarily the right choices--in terms of preservation. The new wood windows, however, are a winner. The owner actually made the window openings smaller than the original. That's usually a bad sign that is
often by the installation of cheap, aluminum slider windows. But, in this case, we were pleasantly surprised to see the arrival of new double-hung wood windows (the slide up and down). Why do we love wood window so much? They really add depth and detail to even the simplest of buildings, like this boxy duplex. You can save yourself the expense and time of buying new windows buy repairing your existing ones. We will show you how during our upcoming Wood Window Repair Workshop in August. Check the Preservation section of www.HistoricEchoPark.org for details.
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